Friday, 13 April 2007

A simple, free way of generating all the referrals you can handle

In his 'Business Networking' blog, NRG Business Networks
CEO Dave Clarke told the following story:

I was talking to two people last week about a seminar I had just given on the 7 secrets of effective business networking. One of them said "I agree with everything you said about relationships first, but how do you get someone to be an Advocate for you?" I didn't get chance to reply as the other one said, "Become an advocate for others first. That's what I did and now I don't have to worry about it!"

The Golden Rule is: "Treat others as you would like to be treated."
This is at the heart of all religions.

So, if you want something in this life, begin by giving it to others.

If you want love, give love.

If you want people to listen to you, start listening to them.

And if you want referrals, start giving referrals - without asking
for commission and without thought of return.

What would stop you from doing this? The ego!

The ego is afraid.
It never feels that it has enough. You see
egos at work in business
all the time.

"What's in it for me?" comes from the ego. "How can I help?" comes
from the soul. Entrepreneurs, marketers and networkers who live
the 'How can I help?' philosophy soon find that they have too
much business to handle.

Philosophically yours,

1 comment:

NRG-networks said...

Great insights, Nigel. Your comments about the differences between what comes from the ego & the soul are very powerful.