Monday 25 February 2008

Building relationships

Marketing is about building relationships. Think about the relationships in your personal life. Do you do your best to listen to friends and loved ones? Are you willing to go the extra mile for them? Do you have their best interests at heart? In a word, do you love them?

This is exactly the way in which you should treat your customers. Think in terms of long term relationships. Be generous towards them. Think about how you can make them happy, rich and successful. You can always tell when an enterprise thinks like this.

When you discover an enterprise that has your best interests at heart, you probably tell other people about it, don't you? In the same way, you want other people to spread the word about you.

Focus on building relationships. Out of these relationships, a river of business will flow.

If you are a small business owner, I am running an event on April 1st - no charge (no joke!). This is the launch of The Marketing Compass, my marketing mastermind group. Click here to read all about it.

I wish you all the best with your marketing!



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